Ben Miller


Getting the Design Right

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It may feel a little excessive to redesign the layout of my blog after just a couple of posts, but it’s fitting with the very reason for this site. In my first post, I wrote that I’d created the blog to hone my coding skills and the redesign is just an extension of this.

I’m happy with this design now; it’s still very simple, but encompasses a few new design skills I’ve learned such as CSS transformations and Sass. I’ve also got to grips with Open Graph meta tags and WordPress functions. While these things won’t mean a lot to most of you reading this, it all adds up to a (hopefully!) functioning website, built from scratch by me. Every dot and semi-colon sitting behind this website was written and rewritten by me.

Now I’ve got the design in a place where I’m happy with it, I plan to use this blog to write more about technology, digital trends and politics. From time to time, I’ll share an article I’ve written for other platforms/websites and on other subjects.

I’d love your feedback; you can get in touch with me by clicking the social media buttons above the navigation menu.